Apex is using its own syntax to pass URL parameters, called the f?p syntax. In fact, there is only one standard URL search-path parameter: "p". "p" accepts a string build as: App:Page:Session:Request:Debug:ClearCache:itemNames:itemValues:PrinterFriendly I am not going to explain all the individual arguments. They should be familiar to most APEX developers. I would like to discuss the itemNames:itemValues argument pair, which allows us to pass custom parameters to our page calls. When using external libraries, like the "Yahoo! User Interface Library" (YUI) , JQuery or (in my case) DHTMLX , you might find, that the f?p syntax is not always usable with these libraries. In some cases, URL’s get assembled by those libraries dynamically, expecting the standard search-path syntax ( ?P1 =V1 &...&Pn =Vn ). I came across this problem when using the xmlLoad functionality in the DHTMLX library. This method adds an additional par...