APEX on the Autonomous Database ATP & ADW Cloud Service

Yesterday at the KScope19 conference, Oracle announced the immediate availability of APEX, ORDS, and SQL Dev Web on Autonomous Database Cloud!

Chaitanya Koratamaddi dedicated an entire session on presenting the possibilities of APEX on the Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) and Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) Cloud Service Oracle offers.

APEX on Autonomous: What is it?

You get a dedicated Application Express 19.1 instance managed by Oracle. Installation, Upgrade and Instance Configuration tasks of APEX on ATP/ADW are completely managed by Oracle, including ORDS.

Why choose for APEX on Autonomous?

The provisioning of new environments is instantly and effortless within minutes. You will get a pre-configured, fully managed and secured environment to both build and deploy APEX applications. You can start developing immediately as soon as your DB service is provisioned. Provisioning is done in three simple steps:
  1. Sign in to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console
  2. Create a Compartment
  3. Create  an ATP/ADW instance

ATP/ADW can instantly scale compute and storage online as needed based upon your workload.
Oracle completely manages the configuration, patching, monitoring and upgrading of all APEX components.

APEX apps developed on-premise can easily be deployed to APEX on ATP/ADW or vice-versa.
You have the benefit of elastic resources, automated DB tuning, high availability and security.
It’s possible to create multiple APEX Workspaces using a wizard. It’s possible to use database accounts to access APEX instance administration and development environment. You even can make outbound webservice calls, but the Oracle Wallet/Trust Store is managed by Oracle. New/additional Wallet entries have to be requested through Oracle Support. The RESTful Web Services functionality in APEX is supported. APEX apps can be build with any of the supported authentication schema’s.
APEX on ATP/ADW includes the email capabilities of APEX and configured through the APEX administration API:

Some Restrictions

Using APEX on ATP/ADW knows some restrictions compared to installed on premise or self-managed on cloud infrastructure. Certain configuration options are predefined by Oracle in APEX administration and cannot be altered. Currently, the APEX Builder interface is only available in English. PDF, Excel and Word printing options are not natively supported. Vanity URL’s, basically mapping your own domain(s), are too currently not supported.

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