KScope19 - Future of APEX

I’m currently attending the annual ODTUG conference, KScope 19, this year organized in Seattle, Washington.

Traditionally the Sunday Symposiums, the first day of this 5 day conference, are provided by the Oracle Development teams, presenting the latest and upcoming features of their products. Naturally I went to join the APEX symposium and this is a brief summary of subjects and features that I consider worth mentioning.

LOV on Steroids

19.2 will introduce a new and revamped Popup LOV component. The functionality will be hugely enhanced with features we were only used to get from plug-ins like Select2 (who does not use this?!). With 19.2 we will have all the features:
  • Display Popup as Modal or Inline (Combo-Bob like), the modal flavor is resizable
  • Display Multiple Columns
  • Search, in multiple columns, fully configurable
  • Sorting, presorted and user enabled
  • Automatic/manual initial fetch
  • Select multiple values (like a tag list)
  • Add new values
  • Search as you type (configurable)
  • Configurable height and width
  • Additional output to other form fields/items
  • keyboard navigable
  • different data source flavors: local table/view/SQL/PLSQL returning SQL, REST Enabled SQL or Web Source

Join the Dark Mode

A new feature in 19.1 was the Dark Mode UI for the Builder. In 19.2 a Dark Mode Theme Style will be included in the upgrade. Combined with the functionality that enables the end-user to switch theme, you can provide an application that has this modern functionality that let’s your customers and colleagues work day AND night!

More Bulk Edit

In 19.2 it will be possible to bulk edit more attributes, like the larger text fields that would open the pop-up editor and Template Options. Being able to modify multiple Template Options in one go is something that will not only save time, but is definitely reduce the annoyance of repetitive work if you have to consistently make changes to similar components.

No wobbling Spinner anymore

I noticed that in 19.2 the processing spinner has been replaced with a spinning circle. And where the current “old” spinner wobbles a bit out-of-center, the new one is nicely smooth. Sometimes it’s the small things that make all the difference


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